This page is corporate information for AIPPAY Patent Attorney Corporation.


Japanese patent attorney
Takashi Yamashita
2006 Graduated from Department of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
2006- Nippon Paint Co., Ltd. (Chemical development)
2008- International Patent Office in Osaka City (-2017)
Passed the Patent Attorney Examination in 2011 (Patent Attorney Registration No. 18569)
2013 Practical training at US Patent Law Office (Global IP Counselors LLP)
2014 US Patent Agent exam (score 63/100)
2017- AIPPAY Patent Attorney Corporation Established
Patent attorney, administrative scrivener, Eiken pre 1st grade, Chinese test 3rd grade, TOEIC 840
Responsible for handling customer inquiries and patent, utility model, design and trademark matters.
Responsible for developing and operating management systems using Ruby and Ruby on Rails.
Born September 4, 1982 / Blood type A
Kyoto City, Kyoto
Chemistry, medicine, electricity, machinery, structures, IT, business-related

Japanese patent attorney
Masashi Hata
2009 Graduated from Department of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Functional Molecular Engineering, Doshisha University
2011 Master’s degree, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Doshisha University
2011- Japanese Company
2013- Kuwata Mitsuo Patent Office (currently known as Mirei Patent Office)
2015- Aoyama Patent Office
Passed the Patent Attorney Examination in 2020 (Patent Attorney Registration No. 22459)
2024- AIPPAY Patent Corporation
Patent attorney
Responsible for handling customer inquiries and patent, utility model, design and trademark matters.
Born July 24 in 1986 / Blood type A
Ise City, Mie
Chemistry, medicine, electricity, machinery, structures, IT, business-related
Corporate Overview
AIPPAY Patent Attorney Corporation
180-1, Yodokizu-cho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto city, JAPAN
1001, 5-8-13, Karita, Sumiyoshi-ku Osaka city, JAPAN (Osaka office)
December 20, 2017 Japanese IP payment service established
October, 2023 Changed name to AIPPAY Patent Attorney Office
April 1, 2024 AIPPAY incorporated as a patent attorney corporation
Phone : +81-90-9817-2924 / +81-90-7864-5466
Fax : +81-6-6537-1974 / +81-6-7635-9707
Email: /
2 Japanese Patent Attorneys, 2 Patent Engineers
1 English-Japanese Translator, 2 Chinese-Japanese Translators
6 clerks, 2 Affiliated Patent Attorneys (AIPPAY PATENT ATTORNEY CORPORATION)
Incorporated in Taiwan (TAIJU INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE CO., LTD., capital 100 Taiwan dollars).
Started practicing as a patent attorney in Japan
Started Patent Attorney Office Japanese IP Payment Service (in addition to applications for patents, utility models, designs and trademarks, started management services for payment of annual fees)
Incorporated Japan IP Payment Service Co., Ltd. (capital: 5 million yen) as management company for payment of annual fees
Started representing Luxembourg’s largest company, Dennemeyer in Japanese cases
Number of companies using the service exceeded 6,000 and number of cases managed exceeded 20,000 in respect to management systems for payment of annual fees
Changed the company name to “AIPPAY Co., Ltd. / AIPPAY Patent Attorney Office”
Japanese patent attorney, Masashi Hata joined as Co-CEO patent attorney.
AIPPAY incorporated as a patent attorney corporation